H2Bravo is a certified Woman Owned Business.

Natural disasters are devastating...
...and long term recovery can be very challenging.
You need a trusted resource.
H2Bravo is ready to shoulder the load and collaborate through...
Quick and Capable Mobilization
With an experienced core team, we’ve deployed 300 people in 10 days.
H2Bravo has devoted the last 20 years to disaster recovery and building more resilient communities.
Through our experience, we have found what works and can tailor it to your community.
Resilient Rebuilds
We work with you to not only help survivors recover, but to rebuild homes that are resilient against future disasters.

Communities should not just recover - We can rebuild stronger.
As Louisiana natives, we know the hardship of disaster and the need for quick recovery. That’s why H2Bravo devotes our entire focus to the full spectrum of disaster recovery and building more resilient communities.
Veteran-owned and construction-focused, we balance taking charge and following instruction. We also know the importance of getting the job done quickly and correctly when others are depending on you.
Partial Repair and Essential Power for Sheltering (PREPS)
Following the devastating impact of Hurricane Harvey, the Partial Repair and Essential Power for Sheltering (PREPS) Program was implemented to provide temporary repairs to homes, allowing residents to shelter in place while permanent rebuilding efforts were underway.